Presenter: Fahim Shadid
Fahim Shadid, P.E has a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering and MS degree in Engineering Mechanics.
Over the years and with his association with ASME he has attained expert knowledge of the ASME codes Sections VIII Divisions 1 and 2 and Sections II A and D…More
Division 1 is a comprehensive introduction to the requirements of various codes and standards, regarding inspection, repairs and alterations of pressure equipment, and in particular pressure vessels. The requirements of the National Board Inspection Code and the API-510 will be covered in detail. A brief introduction to API-579, Fitness for Service will also be included. Simple flaw evaluation procedures will be evaluated. The activities of ASME’s Post Construction Committee will be explained and documents published by this Committee will be discussed.
However, the Division 2 of Section VIII, which was totally re-written, employs state-of-the art design, analysis and fabrication rules. As a result, the design margins have been reduced and the required thickness for vessel components is less than that for Division 1. This can result in substantial saving in the cost of materials. The more restrictive fabrication and NDE rules will result in Division 2 fabrication costs exceeding those of Division 1. Considering the fact that the lower weight of a Division 2 vessel results in saving in transportation and foundation costs as well, the overall cost of Division 2 vessels in most cases will be less than that of Division 1 vessels. Division 2 allows design by analysis, as well as design by rule.
Who should attend:
Although some degree of background with design and fabrication of pressure vessels is desirable, no previous experience is required, for attending this course. Both the beginners and experienced personnel involved with pressure vessels will benefit from this course. Individuals involved with design, analysis, fabrication, purchasing, repair, and inspection of pressure vessels should attend. Supervisory and regulatory personnel will also benefit from the course.
Special Features:
An overview of code organization, editions and addenda will be given, and participants will learn how to prepare and submit an inquiry to the Code Committee for Code Interpretation, Code Cases or Code revision.
What you will learn:
- The background of various Codes and how they compare
- How to prepare User Design Specification
- How to select materials
- What is involved with constructing a Code stamped vessel and who is responsible for what
- How to apply the design rules of the new Division 2
- The background of the new rules
- How to design for piping loads and other external loading and the use of various WRC Bulletins related to the subject
- How to design the most cost effective way
- When to use design by analysis
- Which method of analysis to use and how to apply the new analysis rules
- How to categorize stresses into various classifications and how to linearize stress distributions through thickness
- The various modes of failure and what causes them
- How to exempt a vessel from fatigue analysis and, if required, how to perform fatigue analysis
- How to interpret and apply the fabrication, PWHT, testing and tolerance rules
- The documentation and record keeping requirements
- What is the latest at the ASME Code Committees and what PVRC is working on
Please Note:
The precise content may change on the day depending on the specific needs of the delegates.
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